Photomicrogragh of organic matter

Society of St. Vincent de Paul

Members only - Visits / client information



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** Important information **
No financial information or SIN or Medical card #'s are stored in this system.

The sole purpose of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is to assist local families who are having difficulty providing their basic needs. We are a non-profit group and this system has been developed to help members of SSVP in our area to assist these families.

In order to best help these families we record the assistance given and some basic personal information. This data is very personal and sensitive in nature. It is to be accessed and used solely by the members of the HT-SSVP. Access by anyone else is prohibited.

Significant care has been taken to prevent unwanted access to this information but if you become aware of an unauthorized breach of this system, please report it to our office at 902-864-0777 or the Holy Trinity Pastoral Unit at 865-2112 .